Smooth the film against the mirror and work your way down the length of the strip of window film mencicil it is snuggly against the window. If the window film has a back, pull the backing halfway down and line the top of the paper to the top of the mirror. Spray the water/dish detergent mixture over the top part of the mirror. If desired, you can add a few drops of dish detergent to encourage the sinema to stick better. Applying the film over the closet mirrors is fast and easy. How to Cover Mirrored Closet Doors With Vinyl Window Film Read: What Does Zinnia Seedlings Look Like If your window film doesn’n have a graph back with measurements, you can mark the width and length on the front of the design, use the ruler or straight edge to cut with the utility knife. Most films have a graph backing so you can easily cut along the graph lines with scissors. Carefully cut the film with scissors or box cutter utility knife. Measure the mirror so you know the size of the film needed to completely cover the closet door mirror. Clean mirrors with glass cleaner and paper towel and/or squeegee. Taking the time to prep the mirror surface for vinyl bioskop installation is essential to a good outcome, and worth the extra time it takes to do it right.
Water with several drops dish detergent. Most window film tutorials are for windows, but you can use the same instructions to cover mirrored closet doors. It is very easy to install and doesn’t make a mess. This type of window gambar hidup isn’ufuk permanent.
Vinyl window film is the most forgiving method to cover mirrored closet doors. Installing Vinyl Window Film to Mirror Doors